Essential SSL Certificate (DV)

This is a quick and cost-effective certificate that will secure your customer transactions. The main feature of the certificate is the speed of issuance, it is ideal for very light ecommerce websites.

EssentialSSL Wildcard (DV)

This certificate will secure an unlimited number of subdomains which makes management and provisioning very easy. This wildcard certificate will provide you with unlimited server licensing, along with a static site seal.

PositiveSSL (DV)

For a fast website security solution, the Comodo Positive SSL certificate is the answer for you. This domain validated (DV) certificate offers industry standard encryption at an unbelievable price. Plus, this certificate comes backed by the Comodo brand, one of the most trusted names in internet security. As a basic SSL certificate, the Comodo PositiveSSL is an excellent solution for internal domains and other domain names where you need fast and simple security without having to worry about injecting much trust into the site.

PositiveSSL Wildcard (DV)

Looking for a way to quickly and easily get the valued "https" displayed on a main domain and all of your subdomains? Then the Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard is the certificate for you. Speed and reliability are two adjectives that come to mind when describing this certificate. That’s because this wildcard certificate is a basic, Domain Validated (DV) certificate and can be issued in mere minutes. Also, with 99.3% browser recognition and solid mobile compatibility, the Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard can be relied on by most light ecommerce websites.